Some tacklings in life seem like a game-changer, just as to move to how to slide tackle in soccer. Where slide tackle may turn you in or out of the game. However, multiple options of tackles are found while playing soccer. But some of them are crucial for beating your opponent although they are too riskiest. Because if a player performs this slide in a proper way, it might be a winning symbol for the team. This article will guide you on how to slide tackle in soccer. So, learn here some defending hacks.
Why does a soccer player perform a slide tackle?
Generally, slide tackle is used when attacker and defender, both are running in the same direction. To intimidate the opponent, it’s sometimes necessary to learn how to slide tackle in soccer. However, it seems more attractive to the defender. Usually, it happens when the opponent is on the break with a counterattack. Not only this, it allows him to cover a large area of the ground while attempting to dispossess an opponent.
How to slide tackle in soccer
Although slide tackle in soccer is at high risk, but to make the game, it can be used. It’s not as simple as it seems. There are some tips and tricks for this action. If you are a soccer fan or a player, you must have gone through with this technique. Then you will cherish the moment. So, let’s start to brief that how to slide tackle in soccer with some defending hacks.
Peer up the situation
As you set foot on the soccer ground, firstly, you have to go through the whole scenario. Keep in your mind that in soccer, slide tackle may shift the overall game. So, determine the situation. As you find yourself near the touchline, that’s an ideal view for slide tackling. Because from here you can hook it out of the bounce, and give time to your teammates back into the position. However, the central area of the pitch is usually not favorable for slide tackling. Because the ball will remain in play, and if the opponent approaches the ball. You are on the floor and it will be hard for you to cover the game.

I. Figure out what you want to do
First, you have to determine the situation then you have to decide how to slide tackle in soccer would be achieved. There are many queries have raised, that whether you can regain your position or not..? Can you knock out the ball or not? So, think wisely about your action plan, and then execute it.
II. Choose the tackling type
Before moving to learn how to slide tackle in soccer, you have to recognize its types so that you get the desired consequences. Generally, two forms of slide tackle have a considerable role in soccer.
Standing tackle
As the name shows that, in standing tackle, you are on your feet. While standing, you tackle and bring the soccer ball out from the fence of the other player.
Block tackle
It is opposite to the standing tackle. In this, you are off your feet and do a slide. Thus, you perform a slide tackle. It seems more riskiest than standing one.
Additionally, you may opt for some other tackling techniques, like the barge tackle, the chop tackle, and the cut-off tackle. So, you have to choose the tackling type that’s more suitable for you, and as per the situation. These techniques are supposed to be a turning point while you move to how to slide tackle in soccer.
Approach your opponent
After judging the whole situation and making a strong decision to move on, next you have to approach your opponent in order to know how to slide tackle in soccer. And follow these steps to perform a slide tackle.

I. Run with him
On the soccer ground, everyone wants to get ahead and beat his opponent. So, running alongside your opponent may grant you to your destination. Hence, if you aggressively budge for how to slide tackle in soccer, run with your opponent. Try to beat him on the front side or move toward him. Tackling behind the player is illegal and would be more chances of red cards for you, which might be problematic for you to prolong the game.
II. Put your attention on the ball
Keep your eyes on the ball to find the best opportunity to execute your plan. You have to try your best that the ball would not pass to your opponent. If it moves to him, continue to kick out and snatch it. Mostly in all the sports, it’s a pro tip to stay focused on the ball’s gestures. But if you are eager to know how to slide tackle in soccer, focus increases multiple times. As the ball remains in the fence of your opponent, he will be kicking it away from you. So, put your attention on the ball.
III. Find the best chance to slide tackle
Not all the time is for all actions. Especially in sports, you have to use your all tactics with great attention. So, the same is the case in this game. You want to slide tackle, but you can,t do so randomly. Rather, find the best and suitable time and opportunity to execute your plan. But as you find the best chance, don’t miss it at any cost. It might be the turning point for your game.
Execute slide tackle
When you clear your land to move in the game. Then you can execute slide tackle. Because now you are all set your ground for a strike the ball by sliding a tackle. So, now call for action. This step will be a pleasing moment for you as you turn to how to slide tackle in soccer. But for this, you have to follow these rules…

I. Bend the legs nearest to your opponent
Each leg has its purpose in slide tackling. Your leg that is near to the other player helps you more to tackle and get up quickly right after that. For approaching how to slide tackle in soccer, bend your leg and put it under your buttocks. While tackling, keep in mind that your leg must be outside of your body. Because if it does not happen, you cannot land directly on it. Moreover, your bend leg helps you to pop back just after tackling.
II. Slide with a leg that furthest from your opponent
The leg that is furthest from your opponent seems dominant for sliding. It can easily connect to the ball because you have much control over there. However, the other leg can also be used for tackling if you bend that as well. Hence, the perfect slide tackling performs as you bend your one leg extended to your opponent, connect it to the ball, and take a slide.
III. Put down your hip of the extended leg
There are some tricks to having control over yourself while playing any sports. Like other games, in soccer, you have to land on the hip of the leg, extended to the other player, while bending your leg. This posture assists you more to put better control on yourself, especially when you want to know how to slide tackle in soccer. Because when you bend your leg, your whole body weight is put on your leg, and then your ball and socket joint supports your body.
IV. Hit the ball and perform a tackle
As you bend your leg to make a game in soccer, you have to perform an aggressive shot that is surprisingly known for a slide tackle. Till now, you have a better understanding of when and how to mold your body to prepare for this action, means how to slide tackle in soccer? So, as you come in the right position. It means your leg is bent down, and your toes contact the ball. Now it’s time to act the slide tackling in soccer. Just extend your leg, and hit the ball away.
Carry out after slide tackle
Till now, you have learned a lot that how to slide tackle in soccer. So, as the slide tackling performs, now you have to take some actions immediately. Just follow them as discussed below…

I. Get up immediately
Just after tackling, hold your own and get up quickly. It’s time to beat your opponent. However, if you fail to move just right after the slide tackle, you may lose your game. It is seen more in soccer that players take a slide. But they couldn’t move up immediately, to take control of their body. Thus, the game goes out of their hands. Their opponents snatch the ball and do goals against them. That’s why slide tackling is the riskiest action in soccer. But it doesn’t mean you let down to acknowledge how to slide tackle in soccer.
II. Clear the smart position
After doing a successful slide, you have to clear the smart position. So that, your other teammates may also attempt to play. If you feel that the ball is still in your fence, then you may also emerge with the ball again. As you seem that you still possess the ball, so hook your foot on the ball and sweep it up in the area, where the best chance for it to rise first.
III. Dribble up the ground as you steal the ball from your opponent
As discussed earlier, why a soccer player does a slide tackle. Well! Various reasons may come under consideration in this regard. One of them may be to steal the ball from your opponent. So, if you have this goal for a slide tackle, then you have to control yourself and the situation firmly. You have to take a strong possession over the ball until you steal it from your opponent. As you caught down the ball, dribble up the ground, and move the ball away to your teammate. There are somewhat secrets hidden in this game when you strive to know how to slide tackle in soccer.
IV. Follow the ball and chase it
Whatever your purpose of this challenging slide tackling, the main objective is to keep the ball away from the other player’s boundary. Because you are thriving to consider how to slide tackle in soccer. So, when you scoop up the ball far away from your nearest opponent, two possibilities might happen alongside.
- The ball may reach the other player
If it occurs, you can’t do anything. Because now your opponent may bounce back towards you the slide tackle. Thus, your tackling tactic will fail to reach your goal to win the game.
- Might be possible for the ball to sit in the open
However, if the ball moves away from both sides, from you and your opponent, and sits in the open area. Now it’s a crucial time. Because it will be seen, which one will reach to the ball and hold on first, either you or your opponent.
So, if you are enthusiastic to learn how to slide tackle in soccer, you have to follow the ball and chase it, as it skips out from your boundary and starts to move away from you. Now, it’s up to you how fast you run and free the ball from your opponent’s clutches.
Is a slide tackle necessary in soccer?
Some tactics help in winning or losing the game. A slide tackle is one of them. If a soccer player has enough knowledge about this art of tackling. So, it will be a winning sign for the team. However, a small misstep may ruin the whole game.
Why a slide tackle seems riskier?
There is somewhat risk always associated whenever you move to understand how to slide tackle in soccer. Because any flaw in the action may grant the player a red card. Not only this, the player may injure. Besides, the ball may move away from the hook of the player, and his opponent will get a chance to do a goal.
What is the ideal time for tackling in the game?
It depends on the situation. If you feel that the ball is closest to your opponent. You have to run alongside him, and keep your eyes on the ball. As you get the best chance, execute your plan. And attain the desired result while moving towards how to slide tackle in soccer.