
How to Hold a Pencil

How to Hold a Pencil

The pencil is the best and most precious thing that we have, but they are worthless unless you recognize and know what to do with the pencil. Learning about how to hold a pencil accurately and following different methods to keep a good form of writing will assure you that your holding method is good or not and should stay on it or not.

Holding the pencil perfectly is the crucial thing in seeking knowledge about how to write and draw properly.

Research shows that using a synthetic way to hold a pencil is one of the worst things you can do to hold a pencil or writing/drawing.

It only stresses out your mind and disturbs the natural flow of writing. You can find the best methods by learning how to hold a pencil that will help you to improve your natural holding style.

The basic method that we use is almost the same as we use for writing. You can set it according to you by putting your hand on the paper, it will give you more writing options.

You can try the overhand and underhand method too, which is best for writing and sketching.

How to Hold a Pencil

A more solid grip of your pencil will actually guide you to a stabler control of writing and drawing. Once you attain higher confidence and command over any given design tool, the courage to explore what can be made with it becomes more attainable. So, let’s move to seek some easy and exciting ways regarding how to hold a pencil.

The Tripod Method

The most popular way of holding a pencil is the tripod method. In the tripod method, the thumb and the forefinger are in the form of a triangle, with the middle finger being helped with the ring finger and pinkie.

The tripod method to know how to hold a pencil

This method allows you to hold the pencil tightly; it considers the ideal method for drawing and sketching, especially when perfection is crucial.

The pencil’s upright pattern allows you to use the pencil’s tip rather than the sides to draw the perfect shading. That’s why it’s the most appealing method to learn how to hold a pencil.

We use fingers and thumb to manage the pencil movements in the tripod method. During the work, your hand may appear on the remaining sheet, use a rough sheet of paper to keep your working sheet clean.

The Extended Tripod Method

The extended tripod method is another helpful technique to determine how to hold a pencil. The same holding style is the basic tripod method, a triangle made by the fingers and the thumbs, but hold the remaining upon the pencil.

The extended tripod method to hold a pencil

Enjoy the extended method’s freedom because it’s as simple as the basic and most famous method. You may feel more comfortable and easy while using this method.

In the extended tripod method holding the pencil allow pinkie moves to create much higher pencil tip movements.

It also keeps hold of your hand on the working page, decreases the risks of smudging your sheet. For the most reliable results, have a comfortable hold on the pencil.

The Overhand Method

The overhand holding method is a famous style to hold a pencil for drawing and painting. It enables you to shade with the side tip of the pencil.

For vertical sketching sheets like an easel, it’s the best pencil holding technique. In the overhand pencil holding technique, hold the pencil softly upon your fingers, and the thumb’s flat.

The exact position will be changed according to your sitting plan and hand dimensions, The main purpose is to have a firm but comfortable control on the pencil.

For batter results are usually described, allow your arm for full movement and freely expressive mark-making.

No doubt it’s the best way to know how to hold a pencil, but it does not mean that it’s more or less than any other way.

The Underhand Method

The underhand pencil holding method is very relaxed and loose. It is beneficial for random, board drawing and is a very excellent way to sketch with charcoal.

The Underhand Method to hold a pencil

It’s primarily a tipped-over tripod method to learn how to hold a pencil; it can be changed according to your comfort, for example, you move your thumb above on the pencil.

Artist also allows the pencil to rest in the” V ” of the palm and the thumb, with the middle and index finger softly controlling the tip.


Pencil Holding is a simple handwriting tool for assisting you to get the accurate finger-point for holding a pencil. Your children need to learn how to hold a pencil exactly. This is essential so your child can quickly handle the pencil and use suitable stress when attempting to write. Overall, it will do writing more comfortable if they have a good pencil hold. It is clearly an important skill to bolster and help at home.

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Written by Harriet Wetton

I love to write on multiple things but here i will try to teach you how to do everything easily and perfectly.

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